Synergy Blog

Are You Fit Enough to be President?
Back in August on his late night TV show, Jimmy Kimmel asked Hillary Clinton to open a jar of pickles in order to prove to

What’s Better than a Flu Shot?
There is so much controversy regarding flu shots. There are people and organizations on both sides of this controversy that are ready and eager
What Will Be the Cause of Your Death?
Earlier this year the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) published a paper that stated that medical errors are now the third leading cause
The Most Evidence Based Spinal Healthcare Protocol
For decades, the standard medical protocol for back pain is drugs or surgery. Yet medicine claims to be “evidence based” and many in the establishment
Will Calcium Cause Heart Problems?
Our society has been told that taking a calcium supplement is necessary in order to have strong healthy bones, especially if you are female
Should I Take a Calcium Supplement?
Calcium supplementation is still a rather frequent prescription for people over 50 years of age, especially women. The thought is that older individuals tend
Use the HRA to Change Your Life
The last article I wrote gave some New Year’s Wisdom. You may recall: If I could impart any New Year’s Wisdom to you it would
New Year’s Resolution?
As we will shortly be embarking on a New Year it is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished in our lives and
I Got Worms
You may recognize that line from one of your favorite movies. In the movie it was intended to be much funnier than it has been