Use the HRA to Change Your Life



The last article I wrote gave some New Year’s Wisdom. You may recall:


If I could impart any New Year’s Wisdom to you it would be to take these 2 steps:

  1. Take a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) at least once a year.
  2. Use the HRA information to make changes.


In that article we discussed number 1 above. This article will address a very positive way that you can use the information from your HRA to make changes.


The company, Wellness and Prevention and Dr. James Chestnut have created a completely online, 90 day Lifestyle intervention program that is second to none in relation to making positive changes in your health. An upfront disclaimer: the cost is $149 but it very well could be a pretty small fee to pay if you utilize it.


The 90 day plan uses the information gathered from your HRA to customize a plan to help you make positive lifestyle changes.  Here’s one example:


A fire department in British Columbia implemented the HRA and 90 day program for their department of 26 people. The improvement in health that was documented for the group was equivalent to saving the department $33,000 in the first year. It was such a success that they expanded the group the next year and even continued improving.


The 90 day program will be like having your own personal lifestyle coach that will show you what to do next, how to do it and hold you accountable to the degree that you want.


I want you to be as healthy as possible. In order to help accomplish this, the first 20 people that begin the 90 day program, Straight Chiropractic will pay for $10 of your fee through January 21st. Between January 4th and 21st the 90 day program will be only $139 for the first 20 people.


If your HRA score is 90 or above then you really don’t need to do the 90 day program. Just keep doing what you are doing. If you are out of homeostasis (below 90) then this will be a good investment for you. If you are not sure if the 90 day program is right for you or if you have any questions, please ask someone on our team.


We wish you the very best of health for 2016 and beyond.