We have solutions for neuropathy. Get immediate access to a 4 lesson video series.
We want you to understand neuropathy, the standard of care from traditional for those with neuropathy, and the options available to you. Learn all this and more with your access to the 4 video lesson series.

Numbness, tingling, cramping, sharp electrical pains, burning pain, loss of balance, constantly cold hands or feet. These are the most common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, although not all symptoms. Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage occurring in the peripheral nervous system (primarily arms, hands, legs, feet and back) that can be caused by many factors. Diabetes and pre-diabetes, chemotherapy, spinal issues such as stenosis, degenerative disc disease and disc herniation, as well as use of alcohol and tobacco, surgeries and even use of certain pharmaceutical medications can cause or contribute to peripheral neuropathy.
Traditionally those with neuropathy are either given medication to mask the symptoms or told not much can be done to treat it. This is frustrating at the least and life endangering at the worst. Neuropathy can be an annoyance in some cases but result in loss of balance, mobility, independence and even amputation in the worst-case situations. In recent years very effective solutions to treating neuropathy have evolved. The combination of practitioners who specialize in and are knowledgeable about neuropathy and the possible solutions, along with specific treatment protocols, spinal health, diet, exercise and other healthy lifestyle behaviors have proven to be very successful at decreasing the symptoms of neuropathy and preventing it from getting progressively worse.
If you are having any of the following:
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Cramping
- Burning or electrical pain
- Instability or falling
- Sciatica
- Shingles
- Carpal Tunnel
- Constantly cold hands or feet
- Sensitivity to touch
- Spinal issues
Any of these can indicate a type of neuropathy. We invite you to visit us at Synergy Spine and Nerve Center. We can identify if you have neuropathy, if it is a type of neuropathy we believe we have a solution for and what options you can take to feel better and get results.