About Us
Dr. Brad Fackrell's Full Story
Owner, Founder, & Chiropractor

When I was 16 year’s old I went to see a chiropractor because I had hurt my back in a wrestling accident. This chiropractor was great. He helped me get out of pain and get back on the wrestling mat. (It didn’t make me a better wrestler though.)
I remember getting adjusted by him for at least a month or so 3 times a week. The problem was that the care I received was not specific and it didn’t begin with the right purpose. His purpose was to get me out of pain and therefore, that was my purpose too. It worked wonderfully too…for getting me out of pain.
But then about 8 years later I was introduced to a different chiropractor that took x-rays so that I could see how subluxation was interfering with my life. More importantly, he was able to see how to adjust me specifically so that it would really change my life.
I did not have pain when I went to see this chiropractor. I was told by my brother and sister that referred me to his office that he could help the asthma that I had struggled with my whole life.
At first I thought how was “cracking” my back going to help asthma. After all, my first chiropractic experience was all about pain.
He explained to me that the nerve system controls all the functions in your body and that if you have subluxation putting pressure on the nerves, something is not going to work right. For me, that something was my lungs.
I was taking pills every day, a steroid inhaler, a nebulizer, and I always had an asthma “puffer” in my pocket for emergencies. (emergencies happened several times a day). BTW, I also had eczema and allergies and was taking medication for that too.
I am so grateful for the education that this chiropractor gave me. He helped me to take control of my life. He literally saved my life. Chiropractic became a part of my life at the age of 24 and I have never looked back.
About 8 months after starting wellness specific chiropractic care I was taking about half of the medication that I had to take before. This had never happened to me before. I was able to continue to decrease the medication and now in my mid forties I don’t have a medical doctor that gives me prescriptions. Unless something environmental triggers it, I am drug free.
This is why I became a chiropractor and why I practice the way that I do. Chiropractic is so much more than just sore necks and backs.
At Synergy Spine and Nerve Center, we believe that everyone matters and that everyone can take their next step toward better health. We take pride in discovering the cause of your problem, whether it be neck or back pain, neuropathy, or you just want to be healthy. We illuminate the possibilities and then liberate you from your pain.
We are on a mission to change the paradigm of people living in New Mexico from treating sickness and disease to creating health for themselves and their families. We use evidence based protocols to improve your quality of life.
And as you read this and agree with my mission, please take a moment to forward this link to a friend that needs to hear it. You can also post this page to your facebook page.
Synergy Spine and Nerve Center is the premier family chiropractic and neuropathy treatment center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
We look forward to serving you! – Call – (505) 891-2280